Retirement Income Estimator

Sanjib Saha 19 March 2023 Are you thinking of dialing down at work, but worried about not having enough in retirement if you stop saving? Depending on how much you've saved already and how long your investments can grow untapped, you might get there sooner than you think. Instead of guessing, why don't you get a clearer picture by doing the math with our simple calculator? Let's say that you've saved some money for retirement and plan to add to it regularly in future years. Let's also say that you don't plan to retire before you're 65 years old. "Retire…

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Dollar Goes Further

Sanjib Saha 27 November 2022 I wrote about the true damage caused by misspending. Let’s look at the other side of the same coin. Each dollar that you managed to cut back from your expenses goes a lot further than you think. How? Because retirement dollars can be cheap to buy when you’re many years away from it. You get a large discount –the time value of money. But if are able to stop a recurring expense – be it the annual gym payments because you chose to pick up health activities that you can do yourself, or the monthly…

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Raiding the Bank

Sanjib Saha 24 November 2022 Each dollar we misspend in our working years is a raid on our retirement bank. Sounds dramatic? I guess so. But it’s true, nonetheless. We just don’t think of it that way. Why? Because we aren’t that good in thinking long-term and picturing ourselves in our inevitable life-stage called retirement. “It’s many years from now, and we’ll cross the bridge when we get there.” This shortsightedness, alas, can be costly if we aren’t saving a good chunk of our income towards retirement. Realistically, most of us are going to earn only a limited amount of…

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