Your Personal Finance Statement

Sid Roy I had intended to write this article a while back during the tax season and then some personal events derailed that plan. Now, it is the end of the financial year for many companies in US. And I again got inspired to write about this topic. As the earnings from the companies roll in, I got reminded of an important lesson to be drawn here. Every well-run company sets some goals and measures its progress throughout the year with quarterly statements of its financial health and future prospects. Based on Wikipedia, the main and relevant parts of the…

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Why think about your finances?

Sid Roy. If you have somehow found this site, or heard about Dollar Mentor from one of your friends, you might want to take a few minutes to read about what we are hoping to accomplish. Assuming you have done that, and you are still here, we wondered what might be the one thing we want to talk about if we were sitting face to face. Why think about your personal finances? This comes up more often than one would think. If you have been asking this question, you are not alone. This is often the most important hurdle for…

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Why Mentoring

Sid Roy There is a plethora of financial sites on the internet. So, what is the need for Dollar Mentor? How is it different and why did we call it Dollar Mentor? These are some of the questions that you might have if this is the first time on this site. The idea for this organization was born from both personal experiences as well as discussions with many of our friends and acquaintances. Many of them are in the same boat – when it comes to financial education and feeling confident about managing one’s finance, they do not know where…

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